Friday, July 17, 2009


No, it has nothing to do with Sony's PSX; a PS2 in a box with PVR functions, or even anything to do with the original Playstation; it's an iPod dock. I don't tend to like reporting on iPod docks as they tend to be cheapy things for kids to blast awful quality music out of; but this ones a bit different.

Firstly, it's expensive. A whopping $399. Also, no speakers included, this just hooks up to them.

So why the cost? It's compatible with Universal remotes, something I've been pining for for ages! It will let me use my iPod in my system properly! It's very very well done as well, with IR codes for every concievable function you could want, even those not available to the user on the iPod itself!

Incrediable piece of kit which probably took a damn long time to create, well worth it.

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