Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Network Of Digital Cinemas

Network Of Digital Cinemas
The Ireland will be the first European country to equip itself of network much extending of knows them cinematographic reconverted to the digitalis them. Avica Europe, the AVICA branch (office) Technology - Californian society specialized in technologies and services for the digital cinema them - will subject 515 very knows them cinematographic Irishes to the digital transformation them, replacing the floodlights from 35mm and realizing the network to satellitare for the distribution connected to the serveur in ciascuna it knows it, where the films come "unload to you digitally" and reproduced.

The cinematographic contents (audio and video) are protect from multiple levels of criptazione and every floodlight is equipped of the own "key" of decryptation. When the film exits from the programming of knows it, it can be cancelled from the producer or the manager of the theatre.........

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