Friday, July 17, 2009

Solar Powered Mobile Phone Concept

Solar Powered Mobile Phone Concept
As a number of features in a mobile device, equally great chunk of power it requires to run. So, to prevent your screen going black or system hanged in between, you need great power densities. Researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE are working on technologies that will make it possible to achieve greater power densities.

The ISE has demonstrated the use of solar cell technology by introducing a solar-powered mobile phone that will enable unlimited standby times, thus enabling your phones to stay powered-on permanently! With such technology, the scientists aim to use power management effectively to let your mobile devices powered-on, like a laptop could switch to fuel cells when the battery is depleted which in turn would be continuously recharged by the solar cells whenever light conditions were favorable. Sounds like a great idea to keep you hooked always to your portable gadgets.....what say!!!........

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