Friday, July 17, 2009

Lisse S10 MP3 player from MyRacer

Lisse S10 MP3 player from MyRacer
We were far from being impressed by just another pocket-sized mp3 player, but the Lisse S10 from MyRacer is one that definitely can"t be written off in a hurry. Though we totally dig the cuteness factor that the 128 x 64 resolution OLED display brings in, the highlight of this gizmo happens to be the fact that the display itself performs the functionality of a 4-way directional pad that helps navigates between menus. Alles accomplished succinctly within a mere 46x40x11mm volume. The little beauties are apparently going to be available only in Korea in 2GB or 4GB varieties (in several delicious colors).

Via Engadget.

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