Friday, July 17, 2009

Fuji Will Release Digital 3D Camera Next Year

Fuji Will Release Digital 3D Camera Next Year
Here's something I came across entirely by luck while cruising the Fuji digital imaging website yesterday.

Sometime late next year Fujifilm plans to release a digital 3-D camera, and I, being a fan of 3-D imaging couldn't be happier.

I've dabbled with 3-D over the years and have had fairly good results with a variety of old and new 3-D cameras.

Those cameras use film, have 2 or more lenses and yield stereo slides, pairs of stereo prints to be viewed with a special viewer, or specially processed "lenticular" prints which allow 3-D images to be viewed directly without special viewers or glasses.

My 3-D or, "stereo", photographic pursuits include using what is probably the granddaddy of consumer level "lenticular" 3-D cameras, the venerable "Nimslo."

Lenticular prints are the easiest of all 3-D images to handle and Fuji's upcoming digital 3-D camera will utilize that system.

The necessary special print processing will be available at Fuji's 1 hour outlets.

3-D photography isn't for everyone but it still has large numbers of fans and more and more movies are being released in 3-D so there is a bit of a rebirth happening.

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