Friday, July 17, 2009

Energy Saving Adapter - Intelligent but Doubtful Concept!

Energy Saving Adapter - Intelligent but Doubtful Concept!
One good thing to do in the ongoing energy crisis is to save energy in homes. You will be surprised to know that 10% of your monthly electric costs come from appliances in standby mode. Although the Gilles Belleys Energy Saving Adapter is just a concept at the moment, it promises to cut your power consumption by ten per cent thereby saving the world one power plug at a time.

The energy saving modular power adapter monitors your electrical gadgets individually and informs you if your electronic device goes into standby mode. When it senses sleep mode, a cool organic light pattern appears on the top of the unit that asks you to power off the device. If you still dont do that, the Energy Saving Adapter does that after a 3-minutes wait.

Thats no doubt a neat solution to cut down power consumption at homes or in offices. But, I doubt it will work well with notebooks and computers that have gone into standby mode. What, if there is some unsaved data there?

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