Saturday, August 1, 2009


  • Scientific American Magazine
    Racetrack Memory: The Future Third Dimension of Data Storage
    A device that slides magnetic bits back and forth along nanowire "racetracks" could pack data in a three-dimensional microchip and may replace nearly all forms of conventional data storage

  • nanobots

  • Scientific American Magazine
    How to Build Nanotech Motors
    Catalytic engines enable tiny swimmers to harness fuel from their environment and overcome the weird physics of the microscopic world

  • Features
    Angela Belcher: Building Tiny Living Batteries
    A mollusk shines light on how to create a viral battery for the 2006 Scientific American 50 research leader of the year

  • Scientific American Magazine
    The World's Smallest Radio
    A single carbon nanotube can function as a radio that detects and plays songs
  • Scientific American Magazine
    News Scan Briefs: Weak on the Nano Risk
    Also: Booby Traps for Bacteria and more...

  • Scientific American Magazine
    Nanomedicine--Revolutionizing the Fight against Cancer
    Nanoscale technologies can transform how disease is understood, attacked and possibly prevented

  • Scientific American Magazine
    A Molecular Checkup: The Nano Future of Medicine
    Scientific American Editor in Chief John Rennie introduces the February 2009 issue

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