Sunday, May 23, 2010

Latest iPhone update leaked - iPhone 4G? HD?

Ok, so I should have posted on this sooner, after all, it has been a couple of weeks. I'm sorry. But I wanted to let the madness die down a little, and see what more came out.

In the early twitter hours of the devices leakage it was crazy, so much speculation.

- I recommend you follow @engadget @joshuatopolsky @reckless @bxchen and of course myself, @94fordy and @Enigma_Tech -

I can't express quite how good-looking a device it is, you really need to visit Giz's gallery for the best possible impression. (Although all credit to Engadget for the picture used in this post).

Hit up the "Read on" link for the full break down of how this story came about, Gizmodo's acquisition and of course most importantly what we know about the phone.

See, an iPhone that looked like a 3GS was found in a bar after being left by an Apple employee, Gray Powell. The fake 3GS case was later cracked off, once the finder had recovered from a hangover, to find the mysterious future iPhone hidden underneath.

It was then tipped to Engadget (Source of the pic) and Gizmodo, and Gizmodo finally got the device actually in their hands. Unfortunately, Gizmodo wouldn't tear it down to see if it has an A4 chip like the iPad, or confirm theories of two flash memory chips, giving the rumoured 80GB model (64+16). The back of this handset says XXGB, which obviously doesn't help at all, other than to confirm that it won't be less than 10GB, which, we would have guessed anyway.

They've also dropped the volume rocker, as you can see above it now has two independent buttons on the side. The backing is no longer black (or white) and as speculation goes, it could be the radio transparent ceramic material that Apple acquired a patent for recently.

It also contains a MicroSIM slot, larger camera - which I would presume means a higher MPx count, as thats what everyone looks for these days, as well as hopefully a better lens, and sensor, which is what everyone should be looking for.

Apple have still made no statement other than to ask Gizmodo for their device back, and I wouldn't expect anything from them until around June, when the iPhone would be scheduled for an update, and OS 4.0 will be released.

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