Sunday, May 23, 2010

Apple MacBook upgrades go official -

Following the recent Macbook Pro upgrades, Apple have confirmed the Apple Macbook refresh. In the States at least, and they are expected to roll out internationally soon. And it seems as though, whilst this post was in production they updated the UK site too!

This is reported after a leak from a supplier, showing an image of the side of the shipping boxes stating the content (the upgraded Macbook) was released a few days ago.

The Apple Stores that have been updated so far confirm specifications as follows - 2.4GHz core 2 duo processor, longer 10 hour battery life (up from 7), 250 GB hard drive and better graphics (320M) with the prices starting at £849.

This disappoints me, I like the upgrades and it is a nice computer, especially with OSX, but means that Apple are not creating much more affordable computers, as I always hope. Also they need to keep some distance between the Macbook and the Macbook Pro, so unfortunately no uni-body aluminium enclosure, or even better looks for that matter. I just wish they would get in gear and send it to the UK first so we can report it before the yanks. But check it out ...

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