Friday, February 15, 2013


Gud news !!! after ipod , iphone and ipad there is a new invention its called ipotty :) , do u think its a joke ? google it :) lols -Words by The Journalist Aliya Aslam.

It's an unspoken truth of gadgets that some people use their smartphone or even tablet computer while in the bathroom. Now even toddlers who are yet to master the toilet can get in on the action with iPotty – a child's toilet training potty with a built-in iPad stand.

One of the more bizarre products on show at CES, the base of the iPotty looks like a traditional potty with a removable bowl, seat and a pee-guard for the boys. But at the front it all gets a little weird, because there's a stand designed specifically to hold an iPad.

The iPotty has been designed to help children learn to use the potty by keeping them entertained when nature calls. The idea is that they won't mind sitting there for longer if they're watching a favorite cartoon or playing Angry Birds. And we've seen enough iPad toy add-ons – from the Mattel Apptivity Play to the iTikes range – to know kids love playing with an iPad.

The stand can be rotated between vertical and horizontal views and adjusted to three positions. The iPotty is said to be suitable for children from six months to three years. In case you're worried about the safety of your precious one (the iPad, obviously), there's a removable screen guard cover to protect it from almost anything your little one can "throw" at it.

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