Saturday, November 24, 2012 is down!

 Looks like the Google’s local domain ( is inaccessible in Pakistan and has been taken down by some hacker named eBoz.

If you try to go to the page sometimes you get an error message and sometimes you are redirected to the page shown in image below.

The text below the image says word “Downed Pakistan” while the rest of the text supposedly is in Turkish as Google Chrome helpfully informs us.

If we translate the rest of the text to English then we get this message:

“rabzon 2012 – Hello friends who are alive not dead”

The non localized version of Google is still accessible though if you go directly to

Update 1: It seems like you are able to access if you are outside Pakistan. There is apparently some kind of re-direction trick involved here.

Update 2: The website is now inaccessible totally and if you try to search something thru your browser and the default search engine is Google Pakistan then you get an error message instead of the search results:

Lantechs will keep you updated.

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